Secondary DNS

7 Common DNS Terms and What They Mean

In the realm of internet connectivity and website access, Domain Name System (DNS) is a cornerstone. It’s a pivotal system that helps computers understand where to go and how to get there when you type in a web address. However, for those not deeply immersed in IT or web infrastructure, the terms and concepts related to DNS can feel daunting.

In this blog post, we’ll demystify the world of DNS by explaining 7 common terms you might encounter and what they mean.

1. Domain Name

A domain name is essentially the human-friendly version of a website’s IP address. Instead of remembering a sequence of numbers, we remember ‘’ or ‘’. Every domain name corresponds to an IP address, and it’s the DNS’s job to map these names to their appropriate addresses.

2. IP Address

IP (Internet Protocol) Address is a unique string of numbers (and sometimes characters in the case of IPv6) separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. It’s like a home address for your computer on the internet. There are two versions of IP addresses currently in use: IPv4 (e.g., and IPv6 (e.g., 1200:0000:AB00:1234:0000:2552:7777:1313).

3. Nameserver

A nameserver is a server that manages the DNS for a domain name. It answers queries about the domain, directing users to the correct IP address when they type in or click on a specific URL. When you purchase a domain, you’ll typically specify the nameservers that know how to resolve your domain, often provided by your hosting company.

4. DNS Record

DNS records are instructions stored on a nameserver that give directions about where to send a user when they request a particular domain or subdomain. There are several types of DNS records, including:

  • A Record: Directs a domain or subdomain to an IP address.
  • CNAME Record: Redirects one domain or subdomain to another.
  • MX Record: Specifies the mail servers used for a domain.
  • And several others.

5. TTL (Time To Live)

TTL is a value in a DNS record that indicates the amount of time the record is considered valid. After the specified time, servers will check again for the latest version of the DNS record. It’s a mechanism to ensure that changes to DNS settings propagate throughout the internet in a controlled manner.

6. Zone File

A zone file is a text-based representation of a DNS zone. A DNS zone is a portion of the DNS namespace that is managed by a specific organization or individual. The zone file contains mappings between domain names and IP addresses and other resources, organized in the form of text records.

7. Resolver (DNS Resolver)

A DNS resolver is a server that converts domain names into IP addresses. When you enter a URL into your web browser, it’s a resolver that queries the nameserver associated with that domain, retrieves the correct IP address, and then returns it to your browser to access the site.

8. Bonus DNS term: Secondary DNS (Backup DNS)

Secondary DNS is an additional layer of DNS server configuration running in tandem with your primary DNS. It acts as a backup system. If the primary DNS fails (due to DDoS attacks, server issues, or other reasons), the secondary DNS ensures uninterrupted domain resolution. This redundancy is critical for high-availability websites and applications where even short downtimes can result in significant revenue losses or damaged reputations.

In Conclusion

DNS is a fundamental part of how the internet functions, ensuring we can access websites using easy-to-remember domain names rather than strings of numbers. By understanding these common terms, you can have a clearer insight into the processes occurring behind the scenes every time you visit a website or send an email. The next time you’re tweaking your website settings or discussing domain matters, you’ll be well-equipped with the foundational knowledge of DNS terminology.

Exploring the Importance of Secondary DNS Service

Organizations often employ Secondary DNS to maintain uninterrupted service, a valuable strategy for enhancing DNS reliability. In today’s article, we’ll explore what it is, why it’s important, and how it can benefit your online operations.

What is Secondary DNS?

You’re probably familiar with the fact that Primary DNS servers play a pivotal role in resolving domain names to IP addresses. However, these servers are not immune to downtime, hardware failures, or network issues. So, here comes Secondary DNS, which serves as a backup to primary DNS, offering redundancy and resiliency to ensure that domain name resolution continues to function even if the primary server experiences problems.

In a typical setup, a secondary server replicates and stores DNS zone data from the primary DNS server. When a DNS query is made, the backup server can respond with the same information as the primary, effectively serving as a failsafe mechanism. If the primary DNS server is inaccessible or experiencing issues, the backup DNS server can step in and continue resolving domain names, preventing service disruptions.

Why it is Important?

Here are several reasons why implementing backup DNS is so crucial:

  • Enhanced Reliability: The primary goal of secondary DNS is to provide redundancy. It ensures that your website or online service remains accessible even when the primary DNS server encounters problems. This resilience minimizes downtime, which is crucial for businesses where every minute of unavailability can result in lost revenue and damaged reputation.
  • Load Distribution: Backup DNS can also help distribute the query load across multiple servers. By spreading the DNS queries between the primary and secondary servers it helps prevent overloading the primary server during traffic spikes, ensuring that users experience consistently fast response times.
  • Geographical Redundancy: Backup DNS can also offer geographical redundancy. By deploying backup servers in different geographical locations, you can further enhance your website’s availability and speed for users worldwide. This approach helps mitigate the impact of localized outages or network issues.
  • DDoS Mitigation: It can be part of a broader DDoS mitigation strategy. In the event of a DDoS attack on your primary DNS server, a backup server can help absorb some of the attack traffic, reducing the risk of service disruption.
  • Maintenance and Updates: Backup DNS servers can be useful for making planned changes or updates to your DNS configuration. You can first update the secondary server, test it, and ensure everything is working correctly before applying changes to the primary server. This minimizes the risk of configuration errors impacting your primary DNS.

Implementing Secondary DNS

Implementing secondary DNS involves configuring a backup DNS server to replicate the zone data from the primary server. This process typically involves the following steps:

  • Choose a Secondary DNS Provider: You can opt for a secondary DNS service provider or set up your secondary server. Many organizations prefer using third-party providers because they offer specialized infrastructure and expertise in DNS management.
  • Configuration: Configure your primary DNS server to allow zone transfers to the secondary server. This typically involves setting up access controls and defining the secondary server’s IP address.
  • Synchronization: The backup server periodically synchronizes with the primary server to obtain the latest DNS zone data. This ensures that it always has up-to-date information.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor the status and performance of both your primary and backup DNS servers to ensure they are functioning correctly.


Secondary DNS is an essential tool for organizations and individuals looking to enhance the resilience and reliability of their online services. By providing redundancy, load distribution, and geographical diversity, secondary DNS helps mitigate the risk of DNS-related downtime. Implementing backup DNS can help you achieve that goal and provide a better online experience for your users.