Understanding DDoS Protected DNS: A Simple Guide

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks remain a persistent threat to businesses and organizations of all sizes. These attacks aim to disrupt online services by overwhelming them with a flood of traffic, making them inaccessible to legitimate users. Among the critical components targeted in such attacks are Domain Name System (DNS) servers, which are responsible for translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses.

To mitigate the risks posed by DDoS attacks, many organizations turn to DDoS protected DNS services. Understanding how these services work and their importance in safeguarding online operations is essential for any modern business. So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

What is DDoS Protected DNS?

DDoS protected DNS is a specialized DNS service designed to withstand and mitigate DDoS attacks. These attacks typically involve a large volume of malicious traffic directed at a target server or network infrastructure, causing it to become overwhelmed and unavailable to legitimate users. By utilizing advanced filtering and mitigation techniques, DDoS protected DNS services can identify and block malicious traffic, allowing legitimate requests to reach their intended destination.

How Does DDoS Protected DNS Work?

It operates by leveraging a combination of techniques to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks in real-time. Some of the key mechanisms employed by these services include:

  • Anycast Network Infrastructure: Providers often utilize an anycast network infrastructure, which consists of multiple geographically distributed servers. This setup helps distribute incoming traffic across various points of presence, improving redundancy and resilience against DDoS attacks.
  • Traffic Monitoring and Filtering: Incoming traffic is continuously monitored for signs of malicious activity. Through the use of sophisticated filtering mechanisms, such as rate limiting, anomaly detection, and blacklisting, DDoS protection services can identify and mitigate DDoS attacks while allowing legitimate traffic to pass through unaffected.
  • Global Threat Intelligence: Providers maintain extensive databases of known DDoS attack patterns and malicious IP addresses. By leveraging global threat intelligence feeds, these services can proactively block malicious traffic before it reaches its target, further enhancing security and resilience.
  • DNSSEC Support: Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) help protect against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks by providing cryptographic authentication of DNS data. Many DDoS protected DNS services support DNSSEC, enhancing the overall security posture of the DNS infrastructure.

Why is DDoS Protected DNS Important?

DDoS attacks can have devastating consequences for businesses, ranging from prolonged service outages to reputational damage and financial losses. By deploying DDoS protected DNS services, organizations can significantly reduce their susceptibility to such attacks and ensure the availability and reliability of their online services.

Additionally, this service plays a crucial role in safeguarding against DNS-based amplification and reflection attacks, which exploit vulnerabilities in the DNS protocol to amplify the volume of attack traffic. By implementing robust filtering and mitigation measures, DDoS protected DNS services help mitigate these types of attacks and protect the integrity of the DNS infrastructure.

Furthermore, in today’s interconnected digital landscape, where online presence is essential for businesses across industries, ensuring the availability and security of DNS services is paramount. DDoS protection provides an additional layer of defense against DDoS attacks, helping organizations maintain business continuity and deliver seamless online experiences to their customers.


In conclusion, DDoS protected DNS services play a vital role in mitigating the risks posed by DDoS attacks and ensuring the availability and reliability of online services. By leveraging advanced filtering and mitigation techniques, these services help organizations proactively defend against DDoS attacks and safeguard their DNS infrastructure from malicious actors. As DDoS attacks continue to evolve in complexity and scale, investing in robust protection is essential for any organization looking to mitigate the impact of such attacks and maintain a resilient cybersecurity posture in today’s digital landscape.

DNS Records: A Key Component in the Domain Name System

DNS records serve as the fundamental building blocks of navigation. In this article, we’ll explain everything about them by also exploring their types, functions, and significance in the digital landscape. So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

What are DNS Records?

DNS records are essentially sets of instructions stored in DNS servers that map domain names to specific IP addresses or other resource records. When a user inputs a domain name into a web browser, or requests access to a service, the DNS (Domain Name System) system translates this user-friendly domain name into the corresponding IP address, which directs the user’s device to the appropriate server hosting the desired content.

Types of DNS Records

Let’s take a closer look and explain some of the most commonly used record types:

  • A (Address) Records: A records are the most basic type of DNS record and are used to map domain names to their corresponding IPv4 addresses. For instance, if a user enters “example.com” into their browser, the A record for “example.com” would specify the IP address where the website is hosted.
  • AAAA (IPv6 Address) Records: Similar to A records, AAAA records map domain names to IPv6 addresses, which are longer numerical identifiers used to identify devices on the internet. As IPv6 adoption increases, AAAA records play a crucial role in enabling connectivity for IPv6-enabled devices.
  • CNAME (Canonical Name) Records: CNAME records alias one domain name to another, effectively allowing multiple domain names to resolve to the same IP address. They are commonly used to create aliases for existing domain names or to direct traffic from one domain to another without changing the IP address.
  • Alias Records: Alias records function similarly to CNAME records but are often used at the root level of a domain (apex) where CNAME records are not allowed. They allow a domain to point to another domain name while appearing as an A record to the DNS resolver.
  • MX (Mail Exchange) Records: MX records specify the mail servers responsible for receiving email messages on behalf of a domain. When someone sends an email to an address associated with a specific domain, the MX records for that domain direct the email to the appropriate mail server.
  • TXT (Text) Records: TXT records store arbitrary text data and are often used to provide additional information about a domain. They are commonly used for domain verification, SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records for email authentication, and other purposes such as domain ownership verification.
  • NS (Name Server) Records: NS records identify the authoritative name servers for a domain. These name servers store the DNS records for the domain and are responsible for resolving DNS queries related to that domain.
  • SOA (Start of Authority) Records: SOA records contain essential information about the domain name, including the primary name server, email of the domain administrator, domain serial number, and other parameters related to the domain’s zone file.


DNS records form the backbone of internet navigation and play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless functioning of online services and applications. Without them, users would be required to memorize and input complex IP addresses for accessing websites and services, rendering the internet far less user-friendly and accessible.

Furthermore, they enable domain owners to manage their online presence effectively, directing traffic, managing email services, and implementing security measures such as SPF and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to protect against email spoofing and phishing attacks.


In summary, DNS records enable users to navigate the digital landscape with ease while empowering domain owners to manage their online assets effectively. Understanding the various types and functions of these records is essential for anyone involved in network administration, as it underpins the seamless functioning of the internet as we know it today.

The Pros and Cons of Free and Premium DNS

While DNS (Domain Name System) is an essential service, it comes in two distinct flavours: Free and Premium DNS. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both, helping you make an informed decision about which type of DNS service is right for your needs. So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

Free DNS Services

Free DNS services provide a basic and cost-effective solution for managing the domain name-to-IP address translation, known as DNS resolution, that is fundamental to internet communication. Here’s a brief overview of free DNS services:


  • Cost-Efficiency: The most apparent advantage of free DNS services is, of course, that they cost nothing. Many domain registrars and hosting providers offer free DNS as part of their packages, making it an attractive option for those on a tight budget.
  • Easy Setup: Free DNS is usually easy to set up, making it accessible for beginners. You don’t need to be a networking expert to get your domains up and running.
  • Decent Performance: For many websites, free DNS services provide adequate performance. They can handle the traffic of small-sized websites without a hitch.


  • Limited Features: Free DNS services often lack advanced features that businesses and larger websites might require, such as load balancing, DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), and advanced traffic management.
  • Less Reliability: Free services might not have the same level of redundancy and uptime guarantees as premium alternatives. This can lead to occasional downtime or slower response times.
  • Security Concerns: Security can be a concern with free DNS. Cybersecurity threats, such as DDoS attacks and DNS cache poisoning, can affect your online presence.

Premium DNS Services

Premium DNS service is a paid, advanced DNS solution that offers superior security, reliability, and advanced traffic management features for websites and businesses.


  • Enhanced Security: Premium DNS providers typically offer robust security features like DNSSEC, which adds a layer of protection against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks.
  • High Reliability: Premium DNS services often have multiple servers in different geographic locations, ensuring high availability and redundancy. This minimizes downtime risks.
  • Advanced Traffic Management: For businesses with complex needs, the service offers features like traffic routing, Secondary DNS, load balancing, and geographical load distribution, allowing for optimized user experiences.


  • Cost: The primary drawback of premium DNS is the cost associated with it. While it offers numerous benefits, these services come at a price which may not be feasible for small personal websites or budget-conscious individuals.
  • Complexity: Some premium DNS providers may have a steeper learning curve due to their advanced features. This might require more technical expertise or resources to manage effectively.


The choice between Free and Premium DNS depends on your specific needs and budget. If you have a personal blog or a small website with minimal traffic, Free DNS may be sufficient. However, for businesses, e-commerce sites, or any application that demands high availability and security, a Premium DNS service is the better option. It’s essential to evaluate your requirements, assess the trade-offs, and make an informed choice that aligns with your specific goals and resources. Ultimately, your choice of DNS service can have a significant impact on your website’s performance, security, and reliability.

DNS Spoofing vs. DNS Hijacking: Unraveling the Differences

The Domain Name System (DNS) is not immune to various security threats, and two common ones are DNS spoofing and DNS hijacking. While both attacks target the DNS, they are distinct in their methods, goals, and consequences. In this article, we will delve into the world of DNS security to understand the differences between DNS spoofing and DNS hijacking.

DNS Spoofing explained

DNS spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning or DNS poisoning, is an attack that aims to corrupt the DNS cache of a DNS resolver. This cache contains a mapping of domain names to IP addresses, which helps in faster and more efficient DNS lookups. In DNS spoofing, an attacker tries to inject false DNS records into this cache to redirect users to malicious websites or intercept their communications.

Key characteristics of DNS Spoofing:

  • Cache Corruption: The primary objective of DNS spoofing is to manipulate the DNS resolver’s cache. Attackers send forged DNS responses to the resolver, tricking it into storing incorrect information.
  • Redirecting Traffic: Spoofed DNS records often lead users to fake websites that mimic legitimate ones, attempting to steal sensitive information like login credentials or credit card details.
  • Phishing: DNS spoofing is commonly associated with phishing attacks, where users are deceived into revealing personal or confidential information.
  • Localized Impact: It typically affects the DNS resolver or the local network, and it doesn’t change the authoritative DNS records globally.

Understanding DNS Hijacking

DNS hijacking, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive attack on the DNS infrastructure itself. Instead of corrupting a DNS cache, DNS hijacking involves taking control of a domain’s authoritative DNS servers or manipulating the DNS routing to reroute traffic destined for a legitimate domain.

Key characteristics of DNS Hijacking:

  • Control of DNS Infrastructure: In DNS hijacking, attackers gain unauthorized access to authoritative DNS servers or the DNS management account of a domain owner.
  • Traffic Diversion: The primary goal is to divert traffic intended for a specific domain to a malicious server controlled by the attacker.
  • Wide-ranging Impact: DNS hijacking affects not only a single DNS resolver but potentially a large number of users trying to access the hijacked domain.
  • Persistence: Attackers may maintain control over the hijacked DNS infrastructure for an extended period, allowing them to intercept sensitive data and launch further attacks.

DNS Spoofing vs. DNS Hijacking Differences

Now that we understand the basics of DNS spoofing and DNS hijacking let’s summarize the key differences between the two:

  • Scope: DNS spoofing typically has a localized impact on DNS resolvers or local networks, while DNS hijacking affects a broader audience by diverting traffic at the infrastructure level.
  • Objective: DNS spoofing aims to corrupt DNS caches to redirect users to malicious sites or perform phishing attacks. In contrast, DNS hijacking targets the entire DNS infrastructure to control and manipulate traffic.
  • Control: DNS spoofing involves injecting false DNS records into caches, whereas DNS hijacking grants attackers control over authoritative DNS servers.
  • Impact: DNS spoofing has a temporary impact until the DNS cache is cleared, while DNS hijacking can have a prolonged impact as long as the attackers maintain control over the hijacked infrastructure.

How to mitigate DNS Spoofing and DNS Hijacking?

Both DNS spoofing and DNS hijacking are serious threats to the security and integrity of the internet. Here are several strategies to mitigate these risks:

  • Use DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC): DNSSEC adds an additional layer of security by digitally signing DNS data, preventing unauthorized changes.
  • Implement DNS Filtering: DNS filtering solutions can help block access to known malicious domains, reducing the risk of users inadvertently accessing harmful websites.
  • Regularly Monitor DNS Configuration: Regularly review and monitor DNS settings to detect any unauthorized changes promptly.
  • Educate Users: Raise awareness among users about the risks of phishing and the importance of verifying website addresses, especially when entering sensitive information.


DNS spoofing and DNS hijacking are distinct threats that target the Domain Name System. Understanding the differences between these attacks is crucial for effectively safeguarding against them. By implementing robust security measures, such as DNSSEC, monitoring DNS settings, and educating users, organizations can significantly reduce their exposure to these DNS-based threats and maintain a safer online environment.